Hannah Crissell, Candidate No. 8082

Sam Mealey, Candidate No. 8227

Helping our characters to stand!!

We have had a delay on filming recently due to a difficulty with our character models. The main character Lucy wouldn't stand up on her own without legs that were difficult to shape. With this issue we had to consider the different ways in which we could support our characters without having ridiculously disproportional legs. Although we have managed to get the balance right to support her using wire wrapped in tape and covered in plastacine, we have created a few ideas to support characters over the scenes. In the park scene Lucy can be supported by putting wire through her feet and spiking them into the ground, this will make it easier to create body language while walking rather than having to balance her everytime. As for the town scenes we could use weights or magnets in the feet connected to wire or metal poles to help maintain a blance during movement.
Similar problems arose with the orphanage owner as her body is rather large in comparison with her short stumpy legs, to resolve this we will show her behind a pedestal for the majority of the short film, when she dismounts from the pedestal towards the end of the piece, she could have weights at the bottom of metal poles to allow her to stand.