Hannah Crissell, Candidate No. 8082

Sam Mealey, Candidate No. 8227


Although we originally intended to create a podcast for our evaluation, there were some issues that forced us to have a video instead. As the previous version was sound over a black title card we decided to put a few images over the top to keep people more interested. Ideally we wanted to reshoot ourselves speaking to fill in all of the gaps however we didn't have enough time, so here's the best we could do in the time given. Thank you:

Updated verion of Lucy Firr

After noticing some problems with the video, we have edited the video introducing new intro music and a resolved sound issue, enjoy.

New intro music

Our original opening music was so commonly used that we thought that we should use another song, instead of piecing together the sound clips in iMove, we decided to get uncopyrighted music off the internet instead.
Heres the link to our new opening song:
As the website doesn't allow links to direct music, if you type rememberance in the search box the song is called In rememberance 30 (make sure you spell it that way rather than the correct spelling remembrance)
