Over the past week Hannah and I have been been experimenting with Adobe Illustrator to design some poster ideas. We both decided to come up with one design each for now to allow us to get to grips with the software. The results showed how myself and Hannah took completely different routes with contrasting thoughts and ideas. Where my idea takes a mysterious effect into account using an almost fog like shading to create a mist over "Lucy Firr" with a simple focus on the character and title of the animation, Hannah's takes on a much more artistic approach involving the title being pronounced with many features which almost combine magic and fantasy with the dark genre of horror.
I believe that our poster designs appeal to our target audience well. Mainly becuase teenagers will be draw in by the dark mysertous poster which reveals little about the storyline and therefore entices people to find out more about it. Whereas Hannah's design will draw in those in love with a magical escape from reality.
Please leave comments on what you like about each of the posters and what you think could be changed about it. All comments are appreciated. Thankyou.