Hannah Crissell, Candidate No. 8082

Sam Mealey, Candidate No. 8227

The finished park

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The park setting is now complete, with the tree and bench finished and placed on top of the hill the only thing missing is the backdrop of the moon. However the backdrop could infact be created using lighting, the setting could be placed in a dark area and artificial lighting could be used including a lamp acting as a spotlight to symbolise the moon. Using a lamp as the moon would also keep the shadows in the correct place giving it a sense of realism, one drawback of this method would be that the lighting on some possibly crucial areas may be lacking not to mention the facial features of the character would be hidden.
In terms of construction, the tree was made out of wire twisted together then branching out, I then shaped the lone sections of the wire in a twisted and flamboyant way to create that almost 'Dr Zeuss' like shape. I then drybrushed a dark brown acrylic onto the wire to give it the correct colour. Although we considered covering the tree in plastacine, we decided that the wire gave an interesting look and continues with the 'twisted reality' look we are going for.

The top of the hill

The entire park

Looking up the path


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