Lucy Firr: Rest in Pieces
Hannah Crissell, Candidate No. 8082
Sam Mealey, Candidate No. 8227
This is some more progress on an Orphan from the Orphanage.
This is the Orphanage owner in progress and she is made from Polystyrene balls, a pipe cleaner and plasticine.
This is the start of a Orpan whom will be at the same Orphanage as Lucy as you can see it will be made from two polystyrene balls, a pipe cleaner and plasticine.
This is lucy's hair, which is also made from Plasticine.
This is Lucy from the front.
This is Lucy from the back in the process of having detail added to her, she was made by using 3 polystrene balls a pipe cleaner and different coloured plasticine.
These are a few ideas me and Sam have been working on in class. (Click the image to see it in full size).
Here are some stills from some of Tim Burton's pieces which will show the sort of colours and style of characters we will be using along with the sets. Notice how he uses mostly dull black and white colours then puts a bright blue to create that erie look and to emphasise the fact that it's night, also makes us ask the questions about whether it's reality or a dream world. His characters are also done in a way which makes them look unrealistic as the human form does not look like that. They're not meant to look real and we are going to try and achieve this model look. For Lucy we will be using a lot of black, black hair, black dress with white pale skin but then to contrast we will have the patch work fixings in her dress done in a bright colour like red or blue for example and we will also be using a bright colour for the ties in her hair which will bring out the innocence within her and contrast again with the grey, dull colours to try and create the emotion which Tim Burton does.
Sam Mealey 8227 Hannah Crissell 8082
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