Hannah Crissell, Candidate No. 8082
Sam Mealey, Candidate No. 8227
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Hello Hannah here I'm going to be showing you guys how we have been progressing in our media project. We have been inspired by Tim Burton and therefore have decided to use his ideas within our piece. Here is the idea we have for the look of the character also including the title. We choose the title 'Lucy Firr - Rest In Pieces' because she is a sinister child so we made her name like Lucifer which is another name for the devil and the title of the short film 'Rest In Pieces' was a connection to Rest In Peace which also has a connection to the animation which will be explained later in the story line. Too keep on the theme of Tim Burton's ideas we have decided to try use just voice over and Rhyme for it which will create a creepy feel to it and will also seem more like a story being read to the audience with animated pictures. We have finalised that we are going to be using dull and dingy colour within our animation but also use very small amounts of bright colours for emphasis and contrast to show emotions of our characters. The main character will be a creepy looking small girl no older than 10 years old whom will be showing us her experience in the orphanage and how she got there in the first place, hints the tile 'Rest In Pieces', this will be incorporated through a confusion over reality and fantasy, like a dream world mixed in with the real world.
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